
37. Rosenzweig, L., Bergquist, P., Hoffman Pham, K, Rampazzo, F. and Mildenberger, M. 2025. ``Survey sampling in the Global South using Facebook advertisements.’’ Forthcoming in Political Science Research Methods.

36. Mildenberger, M., Sahn, A., Hummel, M., Marlon, J., Miljanich, C. and Lubell, M. 2024. ``Unintended consequences of using maps to communicate sea-level rise.'' Nature Sustainability. [journal download]

35. Aklin, M. and Mildenberger, M. 2023. “Reply: The persistent absence of empirical evidence for free-riding in global climate politics.'' Global Environmental Politics.

35. Marlon, J., Wang, X., Bergquist, P., Mildenberger, M. Howe, P., Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E. and Rosenthal, R. 2022. “State-level trends in Americans’ climate views, 2008-2020.” Environmental Research Letters.

33. Fremstad, A., Paul, Mildenberger, M., Paul, M. and Stadelmann-Steffen, I. 2022. “The role of rebates in public support for carbon taxes.” Environmental Research Letters 17: 084040. [journal download]

32. Mildenberger, M., Trachtman, S., Howe, P., Stokes, L. and Lubell, M. 2022. “The effect of public safety power shutoffs on climate change attitudes and behavioral intentions."  Nature Energy 7; 736–743. [journal download]

31. Bergquist, P., De Roche, G., Harrison, K. Lachapelle, E. and Mildenberger, M. 2022. “The politics of intersecting crises: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate policy preferences.''  British Journal of Political Science. [journal download]

30. Mildenberger, M., Lachapelle, E., Harrison, K. and Stadelmann-Steffen, I. 2022. “Limited impacts of carbon tax rebate programs on public support for carbon pricing.” Nature Climate Change. [journal download][policy brief]

29. Fell, H., Gilbert, A., Jenkins, J. and Mildenberger, M. 2022. “Nuclear power and renewable energy are both associated with national decarbonization.” Nature Energy 7: 25-29. [journal download]

28. Dubash, N., Pillai, A., Flachsland, C., Harrison, K., Hochstetler, K., Lockwood, M., MacNeil, R., Mildenberger, M., Paterson, M., Teng, F. and Tyler, E. 2021. “National climate institutions complement targets and policies.” Science 374(6568): 690-693. [journal download]

27. Mildenberger, M. 2021. “The development of climate institutions in the United States.” Environmental Politics 30: 71-92. [open-access journal download]

26. Lépissier, A. and Mildenberger, M. 2021. “Unilateral climate policies can substantially reduce national carbon pollution.” Climatic Change 166: 31. [journal download]

25. Henderson, G., Hertel-Fernandez, A., Mildenberger, M. and Stokes, L. 2021. “Conducting the heavenly chorus: Constituent contact and provoked petitioning in Congress.” Perspectives on Politics. [journal download]

24. Marlon, J., Wang, X., Mildenberger, M., Bergquist, P., Swain, S., Hayhoe, K., Howe, P., Maibach, E. and Leiserowitz, A. 2021. “Hot, dry days increase perceived experience with global warming." Global Environmental Change 68: 102247. [journal download][SSRN Working Paper Version][

23. Aklin, M. and Mildenberger, M. 2020. “Prisoners of the wrong dilemma: Why distributive conflict, not collective action, characterizes the politics of climate change.” Global Environmental Politics 20(4): 4-27. [journal download][SSRN Working Paper Version]

22. Hazlett, C. and Mildenberger, M. 2020. “Wildfire exposure increases pro-environment voting within Democratic but not Republican areas.” American Political Science Review 114(4): 1359-1365. [open-access journal download]

21. Bergquist, P., Mildenberger, M. and Stokes, L. 2020. “How combining climate policy with economic and social reforms increases support for climate action.” Environment Research Letters 15(5): 054019. [open-access journal download]

20. Zhang, B. and Mildenberger, M. 2020. “Scientists' political behaviors are not driven by individual-level government benefits.” PLoS One 15(5): e0230961. [open-access journal download]

19. 13. Zhang, B., Mildenberger, M., Marlon, J., Howe, P., Rosenthal, S. and Leiserowitz, A. 2020. “Quota sampling using Facebook advertisements.” Political Science Research Methods 8(3): 558-564. [journal download][R package for Facebook quota sampling]

18. Mildenberger, M., Howe, P. and Miljanich, C. 2019. “Households with solar installations are ideologically diverse and more politically active than their neighbors.” Nature Energy. [journal download][journal commentary][read-only free access]

17. Howe, P., Marlon, J., Mildenberger, M. and Shield, B. 2019. “How will climate change shape climate opinions?” Environmental Research Letters [open-source journal acccess]

16. Hertel-Fernandez, A., Mildenberger, M. and Stokes, L. 2019. “Legislative staff and representation in Congress.” American Political Science Review 113(1): 1-18. [journal download][New York Times op-ed]

15. Mildenberger, M., Lubell, M. and Hummel, M. 2019. “Local, spatially-resolved risk messaging can reduce climate concerns.” Global Environmental Change 55: 15-24. [journal download]

  • Winner of the 2019 Charles Redd Award for best paper on the American West, Western Political Science Association.

14. Mildenberger, M. and Tingley, D. 2019. “Beliefs about climate beliefs: The problem of second-order opinions in climate politics.” British Journal of Political Science 49(4): 1279-1307[journal download here] [replication materials]

13. Breetz, H., Mildenberger, M., and Stokes, L. 2018. “The political logics of energy transitions.” Business and Politics 20(4): 492-522. [journal download]

  • Winner of the 2018 David P. Baron award for best article published in Business and Politics

12. Zhang, B., van der Linden, S., Mildenberger, M., Marlon, J., Howe, P. and Leiserowitz, T. 2018. “Experimental effects of climate messages vary geographically.” Nature Climate Change 8: 370-374. [journal download[journal commentary]

11. Leader-Maynard, J. and Mildenberger, M. 2018. “Divergence and convergence in the study of ideology: A critical review.” British Journal of Political Science 48(2): 563-589.[journal download here]

10. Mildenberger, M., Howe, P., Marlon, J., and Leiserowitz, A. 2017. “The spatial distribution of Republican and Democratic climate and energy opinions at state and local scales.” Climatic Change 145(3-4)539-548[journal download here] [data download] [online data visualization tool]

9. Mildenberger, M. and Leiserowitz, A. 2017. “Public opinion on climate change: Is there an economy-environment trade-off?” Environmental Politics 26(5): 801-824 [journal download here]

8. Mildenberger, M, Howe, P., Lachapelle, E., Stokes, L., Marlon, J. and Gravelle, T. 2016. “The distribution of climate change public opinion in Canada.”  PLoS ONE 11(8): e0159774. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159774 [open access download here] [data download] [online data visualization tool]

7. Howe, P., Mildenberger, M., Marlon, J. and Leiserowitz, T. 2015. “Geographic variation in opinions on climate change at state and local scales in the USA.” Nature Climate Change 5: 596-603. [journal download here] [data download] [online data visualization tool

6. Homer-Dixon, T., Leader Maynard, J., Mildenberger, M., Milkoreit, M., Mock, S., Quilley, S., Schroeder, T., and Thagard, P. 2013. “A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: Cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief systems,“ Journal of Social and Political Psychology 1 (1): 337-363. [journal download here]

5. Mildenberger, M., Stokes, L., Savan, B., Dolderman, D. and Kolenda, B. 2013. “Beyond the information campaign: Community-based energy behavioral change at the University of Toronto"  Environmental Practice 15 (2): 147-155. [journal download here]

4. Stokes, L., Mildenberger, M., Savan, B., and Kolenda, B. 2012. “Analyzing barriers to energy conservation in residences and offices: The Rewire program at the University of Toronto" Applied Environmental Education and Communication 11(2): 88-98. [journal download here]

3. Flicker, S., Savan, B., Kolenda, B. and M. Mildenberger. 2009. “How to Facilitate (or Discourage) Community Based Research: Recommendations Based on a Canadian Survey,” Local Environment 14 (8): 783-796.

2. Flicker, S., Savan, B., Kolenda, B. and M. Mildenberger. 2008. “A snapshot of community-based research in Canada: Who? What? Why? How?” Health Education Research 23 (1): 106-114

1. Flicker, S., Savan, B., McGrath, M., Kolenda, B. and M. Mildenberger. 2007. “‘If you could change one thing…’ What community-based researchers wish they could have done differently,” Community Development Journal 43 (2): 239-253.

Book Chapters

3. Mildenberger, M. 2020. “The dynamics of federal climate policy conflict.” Forthcoming in Handbook of US Environmental Policy, D. Konisky (ed.)

2. Feng., J., Mildenberger, M. and Stokes, L. 2020. “Inhumane environments: Global violence against environmental justice activists as a human rights violation.” Forthcoming in Research Agenda for Human Rights, A. Brysk and M. Stohl (eds.)

1. Mildenberger, M. and Stokes, L. 2019. “The energy politics of North America.” In Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics, K. Hancock and J. Allison (eds.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. [publisher download]